Thursday, November 21, 2013

eether or eyether

little things that bother random minds. A fun tv show where the characters say eyether and a lot.I finally get used to it and the main character slips in an eether.



    you say either and i say either
    you say neither and i say neither
    either, either, neither, neither
    let's call the whole thing off

    you say tomato, i say tomato
    you eat potato and i eat potato
    tomato, tomato, potato, potato
    let's call the whole thing off

    but oh, if we call the whole thing off then we must part
    and oh, if we ever part then that might break my heart

    so, if you wear pajamas and i wear pajamas
    i'll wear pajamas and give up pajamas
    for we know we need eachother so we
    better call the calling off, off
    oh, let's call the whole thing off

    you say after and i say after
    you say laughter and i say laughter
    after, after, laughter, laughter
    let's call the whole thing off

    you say havana and i say havana
    you eat banana and i eat banana
    havana, havana, banana, banana
    let's call the whole thing off

    but oh, if we call the whole thing off then we must part
    and oh, if we ever part then that might break my heart

    so, if you say oysters and i say oysters
    i'll eat oysters and give up oysters
    for we know we need eachother so we
    better call the calling off, off
    oh, let's call the whole thing off
